Ori, 19, he/they/it

Hi, you can call me Ori. I'm a Muslim Malaysian artist that speaks Malay and English. My artworks consists of fanarts and drawings of my original characters. You may see more doodles than rendered artworks, though.

Fits the basic dni criteria
Transphobe, TERF
NFT / cryptobros / AIbros
Just don't be weird!

I won't followback if you're an nsfw account.
Potentially triggering medias or contents will be tagged. However, if I forgot or you think said media needs a cw, please inform me.
I might take longer to respond / might not respond at all! Please don't take it personally. I do love and appreciate positive comments though :>
If I did something wrong, please dm me.

Thank you for reading! I have a strawpage, so you can ask some questions or drop some doodle requests for me to draw :]See you again!